How to Find INSANELY Cheap Flights With POMELO Travel


$250 Roundtrip Flight to Paris …. Roundtrip flights from Paris to $190… Roundtrip flights from Cancun to $334… All emails this month that Pomelo Travel sent me with real travel deals that I almost booked every time. They are just too good! Pomelo tickets to Bali for only $450 ROUNDTRIP were my latest purchase!

Would you love to receive emails every week with amazing flight deals? Although I can’t recall how I discovered Pomelo Travel, I do remember telling everyone I know about it. Although I should, I am not sponsored by Pomelo Travel.

Jake and I were able to get ROUND TRIP tickets for Bali from Pomelo Travel for only $450 each. It’s usually around $1000 per person, if not higher!

We were so impressed by the price that Jake and his entire family bought it, so we can now go to Bali as a family together!


Pomelo Travel allows you to sign up immediately for free emails without revealing any personal information. It was almost two years ago that I signed up and I became obsessed with the deals I was receiving every week.

They list the major airports they found the deal, and all of them are roundtrip prices! It is a tempting offer.

If you are planning a trip to Europe, these are the steps we take if Pomelo Travel doesn’t offer a deal.

They provide a list of places you can find the deal and then show you how to book the flight yourself. Although they recommend Google Flights, I find more success using Skyscanner (and these tips are helpful if I don’t find a deal).

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You will receive a free email listing all the deals you missed, even though you haven’t paid for their premium subscription.

The premium subscription is definitely worth it. You can get customized emails from the airports you travel to for only $3 per month or $36 per year. Plus, you’ll get more deals directly to your inbox. If you aren’t sure, I recommend that you try the free emails for a few days.