How to sell digital printables online


Are you looking for passive income online? You can sell digital printables online by creating them. You’ll find all the information you need to create printables that can be sold online.

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What are printables?

The printables look exactly the same as they sound. They are documents that can be printed out and then used by consumers. People today need to organize, plan, and make things easier. Printouts include the following:

Calendar planners

  • Project planners (i.e. Project Planners (i.e. DIY home repairs or business social media plans)
  • Planners for Meals
  • Financial Planners

Planners for diet and/or exercise

  • Trackers (i.e. weight loss, debt repayment, etc)
  • Coloring pages (for adults and kids)
  • Stickers
  • Journals
  • Checklists
  • Worksheets
  • Spreadsheets
  • Workbooks
  • Templates
  • Stationary

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How to make printables that you can sell?

Selling printables is a great idea for a home business or as an addition to an existing business. Here are three reasons why:

  • To create them, you don’t have to be an expert in desktop or graphic design.
  • You can easily create and sell printables with many tools available, including free ones.
  • This passive income option is one you can create once and continue to make money.

Your plans will determine the tools and resources that you need. Here are some common requirements:


(i.e. Google Docs or Word)


(i.e. Google Sheets or Excel) A spreadsheet can be used to create checklists and other items.


Although it is not required, a program such as Adobe InDesign or MS Publisher can be used to make printing easier.

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Most documents can be saved as PDFs. You can also find free online PDF creators. You can also use PDFescape to make your printable fillable online.


Many free and inexpensive graphic resources are available. However, you need to ensure that they are licensed for commercial purposes before using them.


Canva is an excellent tool for creating printables, logos and any other graphics. PicMonkey is another option.


This is especially useful if you are creating stickers or die-cut prints and need to add registration marks so that your customers can use their cutting machines to cut them out. This is not necessary if you aren’t making anything that will need to be cut.

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Create Your Printable

You can learn from others how they design their printables to get ideas for how to format your own printable. You can find printable samples on Pinterest, Google Images and/or Etsy.

While you don’t necessarily want to duplicate what others do, looking at other printables can help to understand how people use color and font design to make their printables appealing and useful.

These are some other steps to help you make printables that you can sell.

Create your printable. You should plan the size of your printable ahead of time. Use a spreadsheet to create a printable measuring 8 1/2 x 11. Make sure you adhere to the rows and columns. You may need to create a variety sizes for planners. These include A-5 (5.8″X 8.3″) and classic (55.5″X 8.5″) as well as personal (4.25″X 6.75″). You should check the dimensions of any planner you are designing, such as Filofax, Happy Planner or Filofax.

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To ensure that your printable prints correctly, test print it. You should leave enough space for people to punch holes into your printable to fit in a planner.

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Your printable should be priced. It may be necessary to compare prices in order to determine the price that makes most sales. An example of what other people are charging for similar products can give you an idea about a starting price. Your overhead costs such as Etsy membership fees or web hosting fees will also need to be considered. Digital printables have the advantage of being able to be re-used without additional work.