Nurses to stay positive and prevent burnout


Nurses fought the coronavirus pandemic as frontline workers in hospitals and clinics. Stress and anxiety have had a severe impact on the mental health of healthcare professionals. Even before COVID-19, nurses were struggling with declining mental health. A study in 2018 revealed that 31% of nurses reported having quit due to burnout. Contrary to popular belief, doctors are not the only healthcare professionals who experience burnout due to their work schedules and work-life balance. Burnout and stress at work are still a problem for RNs. Self-care is the best option.

What strategies can nurses use to overcome burnout? Recent studies have shown alarming statistics about the rise in RN burnout. These problems must be addressed, especially in the face of a continuing pandemic. Medical associations agree. Long hours, insufficient sleep, stress at work, death of COVID-infected coworkers, and other factors can lead to burnout among nurses.

Nurses can also pursue further education to improve their careers and prevent burnout. Distance learning has made it possible for nurses to pursue higher education in 2022. Students can also use e-learning to improve their medical knowledge. To improve their nursing skills, nurses can obtain an online masters in nursing. This degree prepares nurses to become leaders in nursing and encourage them to avoid burnout. To prevent burnout, we have compiled some suggestions from well-educated RNs.

  1. Enjoy Frequent Breaks

What amount of time should nurses take for themselves? Experts suggest that nurses who work 12-hour shifts need at least three 15-minute breaks per hour and extra time for lunch. Nurses believe that they don’t get enough “alone” time due to the lack of RNs. It would be a good idea to take small breaks to help recharge your mind and body. Take a coffee break and forget about work while you drink coffee. This will help you avoid burnout.

  1. Find a work-life balance

This is a fact that many nurses don’t realize, and it can cause burnout. It is important to establish boundaries between your work life and your home life. Although nurses are not known for their work-life balance, current medical conditions have required RNs to work additional shifts. Nurses are the frontline workers in our war against COVID. They can’t function without these two parts of their lives.

  1. Do more exercise

Not only does exercise improve your physical health, but it also benefits your mental well-being. Exercise stimulates the release hormones known as endorphins and others, such as dopamine, that are associated with pleasure. Regular exercise for 30 minutes a day can make you happy, calm, relaxed, and calm. An exercise program can help reduce depression symptoms. Don’t live a sedentary life. Move more and do as much exercise as possible!

  1. Get enough sleep

A disturbing study has shown that nurses don’t get the amount of sleep they need. Nursing Times revealed that nurses are getting less sleep than recommended, sleeping 414 minutes per night. Nursing staff shouldn’t compromise a good night of sleep for other duties. Insufficient or improper sleep can lead to serious health problems. You can stay alert and awake while improving your mood and self-esteem.

  1. Build strong relationships

Your battle doesn’t have to be won alone. You don’t have to fight your battle alone. We recommend building strong relationships with colleagues as well as friends outside of work. A mentor can be a great help in surviving a pandemic. Many of your mentors were in similar situations during the MERS and SARS epidemics. They may be able to share techniques for dealing with burnout in times of crisis.

  1. Adopt Some Hobbies

Nurses who are burned out are more likely to make mistakes. Your superiors won’t allow any more medical mistakes, as the coronavirus pandemic continues to wreak havoc. Hobbies can help you to relax and distract from work-related issues. Engaging in hobbies that you love can help you relax and improve your concentration. Some hobbies we can recommend include painting, gardening, and keeping pets.

  1. Practice Healing Exercises

Experts recommend a variety of self-care activities, including meditation and yoga. Energy healing, which improves your mental well-being and your physical health, is a simpler option. It helps nurses overcome stress by cleansing their emotions and enhancing their self-healing abilities. Energy healing exercises can be used in conjunction with other types of therapy/counseling.

  1. Professional Assistance

If your mental health starts to deteriorate, don’t hesitate in seeking professional help. Patients suffering from depression, stress, or other related disorders can find treatment and rehabilitation centers in many places. Many healthcare organizations offer assistance to employees, especially those who are financially challenged. This will allow RNs to overcome burnout and receive counseling.

  1. Join a Support Group

You can interact with other nurses who are experiencing similar mental health problems by joining a support group. These support groups allow nurses who are suffering from burnout to share their problems and gain from each other’s experiences. These groups can help you better understand workplace stress and find new solutions. You can also attend a conference or meeting to recharge and meet new colleagues from other states.

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The 2019 National Nursing Engagement Report revealed that 41% of nurses were not engaged at work. This report also revealed that 15.6% of nurses suffer from burnout. In 2017, more than 100,000 American nurses left the profession due to emotional distress. Burnout among the nation’s primary caregivers is a serious problem. How can RNs manage stress and avoid burnout? It is important to get enough sleep, exercise regularly, and eat nutritious meals. Nurses should avoid smoking and drink enough water. For those who want to stay positive and prevent stress and anxiety, it is important to seek out counseling or therapy.