Travelling With Music Gear


If you are a performer or a musician and you are travelling, it might be a bit overwhelming. If you have a ton of gear to take with you, packing can be daunting and you may not even know where to begin. There are a ton of moving parts in a performance and when you add travelling to the list, things only seem to get more complicated.

With a little bit of prep, you can be an expert when it comes to travelling as a performer with all of your gear. While you may forget a few things here and there, you can certainly help to avoid forgetting things by prepping and being organized.

Ask Performers Who You Value and Trust

Getting advice is always an excellent idea. If you are new to travelling and performing, talk with experts that you trust. If you have teachers or friends, ask them about their time traveling and what gear they wish they had with them.

Many times you will be surprised at the answers. This could range from personal items to tech equipment to even certain cables. Be sure to include reusable cable wraps with your gear.  If you are new to the industry and especially if you are new to travelling with all of your gear, asking experts can help to guide you and prepare you for what to expect.

Stay Organized with Reusable Cable Wraps

Make sure that no matter what you are staying organized. By staying organized with all of your gear and equipment, you can avoid a load of stress. When all of your gear is organized, it helps to make your process go much smoother and makes transitioning to different venues easier.

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Making a checklist can help you a ton when it comes to keeping your gear organized and making sure that you are keeping track of everything ranging from cables to equipment and all of the things that fall in between. Having a checklist handy will help you to stay on track and have a reference for when you are packing up and need to remember things to do and gear to take.

In addition to creating lists for gear, you can also get tools that can help you to stay organized. For example, making use of reusable cable wraps is a great piece of equipment that is simple, but can help tremendously when it comes to staying organized. It can be incredibly helpful to have cables presorted and coiled in ways that prevent them from getting lost or tangled. Through the use of reusable cable wraps, you can organize and even label what cables you have, which helps you keep track of all of your gear.

Prepare Early and Expect the Unexpected

When you have any travelling performances prepping early is key to running on time. Even when you are in the middle of travelling, use your free time to prep and to get ready for your next gig. Using your free time wisely is important.

It is especially important to prepare before leaving for the trip entirely. By preparing for the trip early, you can make sure that you get together all of the gear you need and can plan for unexpected events. If you are rushing last minute, you may forget important details and may not have the resources to get what you need.

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When packing and preparing early, it is good to expect unexpected things to occur. There will be delays and things may break. While you may not be able to bring double of every item, the items that are invaluable you may want to have a spare. You never know if you will need it, but it may be better to have those extra things on hand just in case.

Final Thoughts

Travelling as a performer can be daunting and nerve-wracking. There are many factors to consider and there are a ton of moving parts. While it may still be a bit nerve-wracking, you can prepare in ways that help to set you and your performances up for success.

Through staying organized, prepping early, and expecting the unexpected you can make sure that you avoid easy pitfalls along the way. It is also a great idea to ask the experts. Asking friends and professionals who have done this before what they have learned from their time travelling can help you know what things to think about.

If you forget something and things do not go as planned, remember not to panic. Learn from the situation and keep moving forward and solve the problem. You will be able to apply what you have learned to the next trip.